Permanent Family Planning Methods II Permanent methods of contraception

 Permanent Family Planning methods 

Permanent family planning methods are also called permanent methods of contraception. There are many advantages of permanent family planning methods. That's why permanent method of contraception is widely in discussed nowadays, but it has some limitations or demerits. In this article we will mainly discuss permanent family methods contraception, advantages of permanent family contraception method, and disadvantages of permanent family contraception methods 

What is Permanent family planning methods 

These are also called surgical methods. A couple who do not want any more children follow this method because there will be no chance of pregnancy after adopting this method. That's why it is  called permanent family planning method or permanent methods of contraception. The permanent family planning methods for females are minilap and laparoscopy, and for male vasectomy is available. 

Also read: Natural method of contraception 

a) Permanent family planning methods for Male : Vasectomy 

Permanent Family Planning Methods

It is a permanent family planning method for males. It is a simple surgery done by a doctor or trained medical personnel. In this method, a small incision (opening) is made on the upper part of the scrotum to pull out vas deferens. Then the vas deferens is cut and tied at both the ends so that sperm cannot pass through it. After this surgery, the males ejaculation discharges semen with no sperms at all. In the absence of sperms, fertilization does not take place, and conception does not occur. 

Advantages of permanent family planning methods: Vasectomy 

  • This is a permanent method, about 99.9% effective 
  • It does not affect sexual satisfaction. 
  • No tension of other contraceptives. 
  • Can be performed by simple surgery. 
Disadvantages of permanent family planning methods: Vasectomy 
  • Needs the use of condom for the first one month after vasectomy. There is possibility of sperm ejaculation during the first month after this. 
  • Requires surgical process, and involves a small incision on the skin. 
  • It does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases. 
  • Sometimes, it is found to be unsuccessful. 
b) Permanent family planning methods for female: Minilap and Laparoscopy 

i. Minilap 

It is a kind of surgical method for permanent family planning methods for females. In this method, small incision is made above the public region or in lower abdomen. Both the fallopian tubes are pulled out and cut. The ends of cut tubes are tied. This permanent family planning methods should be performed after 45 days of delivery or within 7 days of menstruation. 

ii. Laparoscopy 

It is another permanent family planning method of the female involving a surgical process. In this method too, a small incision is made above the public region or lower abdomen. Then the fallopian tubes are taken out and tightly tied with plastic wire on both sides of the fallopian tubes. In this method, the fallopian tubes are tied only they are not cut. 

Advantages of permanent family planning methods: Minilap and Laparoscopy 

  • It is a permanent family planning method, about 95.5% effective. 
  • No tension of other contraceptives. 
  • No fear of pregnancy. 
  • No adverse effects on health and sexual pleasure. 
Disadvantages of permanent family planning methods: Minilap and Laparoscopy 
  • Requires surgical process and involves small incision on the lower abdomen. 
  • It does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases. 
  • Sometimes it is found to be unsuccessful. General consideration after permanent family planning process. 
  • One should take complete rest up to 15 days of surgery. 
  • Male must use condom for one month, if there is to be sexual intercourse. 
  • The wound should be taken care of properly according to the medical guidelines and instructions. 
  • Some difficult activities like climbing trees, riding a house, playing outdoor games, etc. should be avoided for up to two months. 
  • Special attention should be given to nutritious foods. 
What are the advantages of permanent family planning methods and what are the disadvantage of permanent family planning methods? 

You can mix up above disadvantages and made your own advantages and disadvantages of permanent family planning methods. 

Thank you !!

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