Natural method of contraception

what is natural methods of contraception, natural methods of contraception and some of the natural methods of contraception

Natural method of contraception 

Natural method of contraception

Natural method of contraception is the type of contraception which involves no use of any devices or surgery to prevent contraception and use naturally tips, tricks and methods to avoid pregnancy. The natural method of contraception is not guaranteed way to prevent pregnancy as it is not fully determined by us. Instead of natural method of contraception, the artificial contraceptive devices and permanent family planning methods are best ways to avoid pregnancy. 

In this process, the safe and unsafe period of the monthly cycle is detected, and sexual intercourse  is committed  during the safe period only. A woman releases 300 to 400 ova throughout her fertilization period, which generally runs 34 years in her life. It begins from 14/15 years of age to 49 years. 

In general, one ovum is released each month alternatively from each side of the ovary. The sperm deposits in the fallopian tube after sexual intercourse, which can survive only 5 to 7 days, but its capacity to fertilize the ovum remains for 3 days only. If the ovum is not present in the fallopian tube, there is a chance of fertilization with sperm. If ovum is not present in the fallopian tube, fertilization is impossible. If the menstruation cycle is of 28 days, the unsafe period or fertilization period is 10 to 19 days of menstruation . The period of 10 days before and 19 days after menstruation is the safe period. Sexual intercourse during the time period when there is no ovum cannot lead to conception. It is necessary to use any sorts of artificial contraceptive methods. Couple just follow the system of nature to avoid pregnancy.

Some of the natural methods of contraception are :

  1. Calendar method
  2. Withdrawal method
  3. Cervical mucus method
  4. Breastfeeding method
  5. Basal body temperature method (BBT method). 
Note: They are the main natural method of contraception. For general knowledge and understanding, this five natural method of contraception are enough for us. 

a) Calendar method

This natural method of contraception also called the 'rhythm method' . According to this method, sexual intercourse is avoided during the unsafe period. The unsafe period is defined as the days of 10 to 19 of the menstruation cycle. Following the safe period to have sexual intercourse is known as calendar method of contraception. To avoid the conception the sexual intercourse should take place only during the safe period, i.e. , 1 to 9  and 21 to 28 days of the menstruation  cycle. This natural method of contraception is effective only in women whose menstruation cycle regularly takes place in an interval of 28 days.

b) Withdrawal method

This natural method of contraception is  called coitus interrupt method. According to this method , sexual intercourse takes place without using any devices, but the sperm is ejaculated outside by taking the penis out of the vagina. The male can properly known the period of discharging the sperm during sexual intercourse. While the sperm begin to discharge the male immediately pulls out his penis from the vagina and ejaculation is made outside from vagina. As a result , the sperm cannot meet with the ovum, and conception will not take place in the female body.

c) Cervical mucus method

It is also known as the mucus testing method which is done by females. Two types of mucus are secreted by the cervix in the fertile and infertile stages. Thick, slippery and viscous mucus is discharged when an ovum is present in the fallopian tube. If the intercourse takes place during this time, women can be pregnant. When thin and watery mucus prevails , it means that there is no active, ovum , and therefore, it is safe for sexual intercourse. In order to find out the nature of mucus, she should wash her hand properly and insert fingers into the vagina to take a little cervical mucus out. She can test the thickness of the mucus by keeping it in between the forefinger and the thumb. It is also said to be the worst method of natural method of contraception who does such tasks during sexual intercourse, rather than using/applying one contraceptive devices. 

d) Breastfeeding method

During breastfeeding , the hormone produced by the pituitary gland for the stimulation of the breast and secretion of milk (i.e. Prolactin hormone) disturbs the ovulation process from the ovaries. As a result , there is less chance of conception. Therefore, longer the lactation period, lesser the chance of conception. Similarly, lesser the chance of lactation period, higher the chance of  conception. This natural method of contraception is 99.9% effective during the time of breastfeeding period when there is no menstruation. 

e) Basal body temperature method (BBT method) 

It is according to me, the worst natural method of contraception. During the period of ovulation, the body temperature raises slightly in females due to the metabolic activities induced by the hormonal changes ibn body. This is either felt or measured by a thermometer for confirmation. This period is regarded as unsafe , and conception is prevented by avoiding sexual intercourse during the period . When there is no rise in temperature , it is regarded as safe period.

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