What is Peace Culture ?
Peace is a calm and quiet state. It is a state of being free from any disturbance, misunderstanding or conflict. Peace is an inevitable prerequisite for the development of an individual, community, nation and the entire world. It is difficult to live a life with pleasure in a violent and chaotic environment. Culture is the beliefs, customs, practices and social behavior of a particular nation or people. Peace culture does not merely mean to remain quiet in the violence or not be involved in violent activities. Peace culture reduces the family, community, social and national and international disputes. This is a technique of maintaining mutual love, care and unity. It helps to manage the violence, possible conflict, and tension in the society and the nation through dialogue, discussion and consensus. Peace culture is a positive value, norm, view, practice and way of life which fights against the violence. It identifies the causes of the conflict and violence, and helps individuals and nation make a peaceful and healthy society.
Importance of Peace Culture
Peace promotes creation, construction, unity, brotherhood, cooperation, love and all round development whereas conflict interrupts the human relation and generates hatred. The ultimate aim of everyone is to achieve pleasure. Pleasure is not achieved only by the economic and physical progress. The economic and physical progress is also not possible in the environment of conflict. An individual can achieve pleasure only if s/he enjoys fundamental rights and freedom in the fearless environment. Thus, the development of peace culture is needed not only for ours but also for the progress, prosperity and pleasure of the entire world community. Nepal is the birth and work place of Lord Buddha, an angel of peace and Royal Sage Janak . This is the Vyas's place of meditation. There is no any conflict in the name of caste, religion, language and culture till this date in Nepal. So, Nepal is known all over the world as a country of unity in diversity. We need peace culture to carry on the unity and tolerance as well.
Role of Dialogue and Consensus in Peace Culture
The present world is suffering form number of conflicts. When an individual is unable to enjoy human rights, freedom, equal existence and respect, then there begins a state of conflict and war. Poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, greediness, hatred, economic and social inequality, injustice, discrimination, intolerance and strong desire for power are the challenging factors for peace culture. A peace culture can be established by reducing such challenging factors. It is necessary to address freedom, social justice, democracy, tolerance, unity, cooperation, diverse pluralistic culture in every level of society and the nation. For this, it is necessary to have dialogue and consensus between the individuals, communities, and the societies. Dialogue and consensus can develop a peace culture.
Measures to maintain Peace Culture
- Peaceful solution of conflict, development of mutual understanding and respect.
- Promotion and respect toward democracy, human right and fundamental freedom.
- Building the attitude of dialogue, conversation and consensus.
- Elimination of poverty, illiteracy, inequality and discrimination.
- Assurance of social and economic development.
- Guarantee of transparency and accountability in the ruling system.
- End of intolerance in the name of racism, racial discrimination and contracted nationalism.
- Understanding among all the human civilization and culture, tolerance, cooperation and solidarity.
- Special protection and assurance of involvement of all lingual, religious and ethnic minorities in the community.
- Prohibition in the production and supply of arms.
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