What is Human Resource Management
Human resource : Human resources are the people who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector or economy. It is also called the human capital or human assets. It is the resources that resides in the knowledge, skills, and motivation of people. Management: Management is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people. In other words, management is the administration of an organization. The organizations can be business, not for profit and even the government body. Therefore, human resource management is the strategic approach to the effective management of people in an organization, so that they help the organization to gain the competitive advantage. In other words, it is the practice of recruitment to retirement. Human resource management is concerned with people's dimension in organizations. According to Decenzo/ Robbins " Human Resource Management is a process of consisting of the acquisition, development , motivation and maintenance of human resources." The first objective of HRM is to attain maximum individual development, second, get desirable working relationship between employers and employees. Third, effective development of human resources are contrasted with physical and other resources.
Characteristics of Human Resource Management (HRM)
The characteristics of Human Resource Management are as given bellows:
(1) Managing People at work: HRM (Human Resource Management) is concerned with managing people at work. It covers all levels of staff, including blue-collared employees (viz, craftsmen, foreman, operatives, and labourers) ,and white collared employees (viz. Professional and technical workers, managers, officials, and proprietors, clerical workers and sales workers). It is concerned with employees both as individual as well as a group. The aim is to get better results with their collaboration and active involvement in the organization's activities.
(2) Concerned with developing the employees:
It's another features is to develop their potentialities and capacities to the maximum possible extent. By the way of development they may derive greater satisfaction from their job. In other words, the objective of HRM is not only to use them rather it also aims to develop them. By this activity, both of the parties will be in win-win situation.
(3) Essential in all organizations:
Since recruitment, selection development and utilization of people are an integral part of any organized effort, so HRM is inherent in all organizations. It is not confined to industry alone, it is equally useful and effective in government departments, military organizations, and non-profit institutions.
4.Continuous in nature:
HRM cannot be practiced only one hour each day or one day a week. HRM requires a constant alertness and awareness of human relations and their importance in daily operations. HRM function remains active till the organization is in existence.
5.Tool for human benefit:
HRM attempts at getting the willing cooperation of the people for the attainment of the desired goals. It is the double-edged weapon it offers benefits to both organization and staff. People are not only resources . They are both ends and means of development.
6. Strategy focused:
HRM is considered as a strategic partner for organizational change and development. HRM helps to mobilize human resources in the organization in order to achieve the stated objectives/ goals strategically. HRM helps to arrange all the activities of an organization in such a way that they are interconnected with efficient and effective utilization of human resources.
7. Social and dynamic process:
Organizations are social system. HRM in organization consists of people which are managed by HR managers . They interact with each other when they work together. This interaction among HR of an organization leads to the development of a social relation and dynamics in the work places. The smooth functioning of an organization depends much on HRM i.e, mutual understanding, cooperation and support of the members to one another. The principles and practices of HRM should not be static. Rather they should be dynamic.
8. Involvement of line managers:
In recent years, HRM is not only the responsibility of HR staff alone. Line managers also play an important role in formulating HRM policies and practices. Such policies and practices of HRM are executed by the activities help of line managers. This is the new development in HRM
Topics covered: What is human resource management, Human Resource Management, HRM, Human Resource Management definition, characteristics on Human Resource Management
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