Unity in Diversity in Nepal

Unity in Diversity 

National pride of Nepal

Unity refers to the state of being one; and diversity refers to the state of being different. We all known that there are many caste, religions, languages, cultures and traditions in Nepal. However, we find good0-will existing among them. Social and religious tolerances have been well maintained in Nepal since ancient times. Nepalese people have long tradition of respecting each other's faiths and festivals. For example, Rais and Limbus participate in Brahmin's religious festivals. This is an excellent example of social and religious tolerance existing in Nepal This is why we cay say there is unity in diversity in Nepal. 

Constitutional Recognition 

By observing the diversity of our country, Article 3: of the present constitution of Nepal has defined the nation in the following way: 

All the Nepalese people, with multi-ethnic, multilingual, multi-religious, multi-cultural characteristics and in geographical diversities, and having common aspirations and being united by a bond of allegiance to national independence, territorial integrity, national interest and prosperity of Nepal, collectively constitute the nation. 

The constitution has made the provision to make the government responsible in making every organ of the state inclusive with the proportionate participation of Madhesis, suppressed class, ethnic and native people, women, laborers, peasants, physically challenged, under privileged people and other areas. In the same way, the state has the responsibility to terminate discriminatory laws and to ensure equal treatment to all its citizens. For this, it is mentioned in Article: 50, Sub-article: 2 of the constitution of Nepal under the directive principles of the state that " The social and cultural objective of the State shall be to build a civilized and egalitarian society by eliminating all forms of discrimination, exploitation and injustice on the grounds of religion, culture, tradition, usage, custom, practice or any other similar grounds to develop social, cultural values founded on national pride, democracy, pro-people, respect of labour, entrepreneurship,  discipline, dignity and harmony, and to consolidate the national unity by maintaining social cohesion, solidarity and harmony, while recognizing cultural diversity."

Similarly, the Article: 51, a (2) of this Constitution states under the Policies of the State that " To promote the national unity while developing mutual cooperative relations between the Federal Units by maintaining mutual cohesion, harmony and solidarity between various castes, tribes, religions, languages, cultures and communities. "

The state has attempted to ensure the unity in diversity by having the above mention provisions. The present constitution aims to bring every sector, community, gender, group, etc. into the national main stream  by providing equal opportunity and treatment. The National Anthem has also recognized this fact nicely.

Measures to promote the national unity in Nepal

  • Mutual respect should be developed among the people;
  • Discrimination on the basis of language, race, region, community etc. should be avoided;
  • Religious and cultural heritages should be preserved and promoted;
  • Religious tolerance should be developed and practiced in practicable way;
  • State should adopt the inclusive policy so that every citizen can be brought in mainstream of development.

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