Prostitution, Addiction and Bullying


Prostitution is an act of engaging in sexual intercourse or performing other sexual acts in exchange of money, or other personal benefits. It is also an impious sexual act. Though prostitution is an illegal and anti-social act, some people have adopted it as an occupation. Mainly in the city area, it is happening secretly deceiving the security mechanism. It has to be checked in time with the effort of all.

Causes of prostitution

  • Poverty
  • Illiteracy
  • Unemployment
  • Gender discrimination
  • Family disharmony, etc.

Effects of prostitution:
  • Physical and mental torture to women.
  • Loss of dignity and prestige of the family and community.
  • It may spread sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.
  • Feeling of inferiority in those who engage in prostitution.
  • It is against the law. So, one should bear legal punishment.

Measures to control prostitution:
  • Poverty alleviation programs should be launched.
  • Every sectors of the state should work together to fight against this problem.
  • Priority should be given to women education and employment.
  • Skill-based training should be given to the girls and women.
  • Effective implementation of laws should be insured.
  • Appropriate alternatives should be provided to those who have been engaging in prostitution as an occupation.

Efforts made to check prostitution:
  • Various organizations are established to work against girl trafficking and prostitution. 
  • Human Trafficking and Transportation (Control) Act, 2064 has been implemented.
  • Raiding is made frequently in the possible areas of prostitutions by the government and legal actions are taken against those who are involved in such an act.
  • Various programs and policies have been brought to empower women and provide opportunity to them.


Addiction is an unusually great interest in something or need to do or have something. It includes all kinds of bad habits affecting the health of individual, family and society, etc. A strong and harmful need to regularly have drugs or to gamble is the major addiction in our society. Some people are addicted to the social networks such as face book, twitter, etc. and misuse it.

Causes of addiction:
  • Influence of bad company,
  • Broken home/ conflict in family,
  • Feeling of loneliness,
  • Excessive freedom,
  • Wrong role model,
  • Mental tension, etc.

Effects of addiction :
  • Loss of health, dignity, wealth and manpower,
  • Loss of faith from family and society,
  • Hindrances for personal and national development,
  • Increase in the crime, etc.

Measures to control addiction
  • Avoid smoking and chewing tobacco,
  • Avoiding the company of addicts,
  • Upholding the social norms and values,
  • Respecting each other's feelings and maintaining good relation in the family,
  • Making provision of employment,
  • Providing counseling and awards to those who have left the addiction,
  • Engaging in the creative works, 
  • Preventing family disharmony,
  • Caring and loving to each other,

Efforts made to check addiction:
  • Rehabilitations centers are established in different parts in the country.
  • 'Narcotic Drugs (Control) Act, 2033' has  been  implemented. 
  • Publicity against the use of drugs has been made through different media.
  • Awareness creating programs are launched by NGOs and INGOs.
  • The subject matters related to the harmful effects of drug addiction are included in the curriculum of different level.


Bullying is the process of intimidating, insulting or mistreating somebody weaker. Threatening, frightening, provoking, spreading unnecessary rumors, etc. are called bullying. Isolating somebody from the group, being arrogant, showing  egotism and making fun of others are also bullying. Such activities are generally common in the childhood and gradually develop in the coming stages.

Causes of bullying:
  • To get noticed,
  • Jealously/hatred,
  • Sense of revenge,
  • Aggressive personality,
  • Having power over their peers,
  • Lack of supervision,
  • Having problems at home, and 
  • To make fun of others.

Effects of bullying : 
Bullying causes the beginning of dispute, creation of violence, self destructive behaviour, development of the feelings of revenge, and creation of difficult situation. It brings an environment of distrust in the personal and social relation. It weakens the fundamental characters like respect, honour and coexistence. An individual may feel of loneliness. Furthermore, it causes problems in the process of socialization.

Measures to control bullying:
To prevent bullying, good works should be encouraged and the bad works should be discouraged in the family and school. The habits of treating all equally and showing empathy to all the friends should be developed. The activities of developing the habit of respecting different thoughts, ability and working style should also be done.

Efforts made to check bullying:
  • Moral and value education have been given priority.
  • Rules for equality and equity have been made.
  • Legal provision has been made against all kind of torture. 
  • Public awareness programs are being conducted to aware the people  regarding their duties and rights.

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