What is industrial revolution ?
In the years between 1760 and 1840 AD, a tremendous change occurred in the field of industry in England. Different machines were invented and came into use to produce the goods. Such machines were operated by power and produced the goods many times more than the goods produced by hands. These changes that occurred in England is called Industrial Revolution.
Major characteristics of the Industrial Revolution
- Mechanism of production
- Division of labour
- Large scale factory production
- Transfer of knowledge
- Technological innovation
Condition of England before Industrial Revolution
Before 1760 AD or second half of the eighteen century, England was an agricultural country. Farming was the primary occupation of the people and industry was the secondary occupation. There were the small and cottage industries of woollen, cotton, coal, iron, etc at a local level. Men, women and children could work in those industries. There were no machines and all goods were made by hands. Such industry could help the farmers to increase their work to some extent. the children cleaned the cotton. The women made thread and the men move the clothes in the industry of England. Woollen industries were the main industry in England.
Commencement of Industrial Revolution
The machine was first used in cotton industry. The import of cotton clothes from the foreign countries (India, China, Iran ) were prohibited in England by an Act in 1700 AD. There was high demand of cotton clothes inside and outside (West Africa, West Indies, South America ) the country. The raw materials were supplied from India and North America. The thread spun by eight persons could be woven into clothes by only one person. So, there was always scarcity of thread. To solve this problem, a person named John Kay invented a wooden machine to spin the thread called Flying shuttle ion 1743 AD.
Only two persons could operate this machine pulling the thread used in machine. To fulfill the scarcity of thread, James Hargreaves invented a machine called "Spinning Jenny". It could produce the thread eight times more than handmade thread. Though the production of thread increased but traditional system of industry could not change. The Factory system had developed after the invention and use of machine called Water Frame made by Richard Arkwright. so, he is called the Father of Modern factory system. On the basis of the principle of of Jenny and Water Frame, Samuel Crompton invented the machine "Mule". The thread produced by this machine was stronger and more long lasting. After the invention of this machine plenty of thread was produced but the clothes were still woven by the hand. So, there was scarcity of people to weave the clothes. To solve this problem Edmund Cartwright invented Power Loom. After the invention of power loom, started to be used in both making thread and weaving clothes. Water power started to be used to operate the machine.
The industry had to depend upon water for power. So, when the volume of water was less in the river the machines could not be operated. To solve this problem, James Watt developed steam engine. Now, it became possible to operate the machine throughout the year through the steam.
Huge quantities of iron and coal were required to operate the machine. So qualitative iron started to produced. Iron started to be used in various purposes. In 1779 AD bridges were made of iron and planes were made in 1810 AD. Safety Lamp was invented by Humphry Davy in 1815 AD which made it easy for the people to work in the coal mines.
Development of Transport and Communication
When machine started to produce a huge quantity of goods, transport system was required to sell the goods in different parts of the country. So transport and communication were developed. Macadam developed the method to construct the road. In 1804 AD train was invented for the first time. Stephenson invented the engine of the train, Benjamin Franklin developed hydro-power, Morsey developed telegraph in 1876 AD. Telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bel in 1867 AD. Thomas Edison invented electric bulb. Marconi invented radio and wireless. Tremendous progress was made in the field of transport and communication due to these inventions.
Effect of Industrial revolution on agriculture
The industrial revolution brought revolution in agriculture as well. The traditional way of farming was changed and farming started in a scientific way. Different types of grasses were produced which helped to keep the animals warm in the cold seasons. Improved breeds of animals and seeds were developed which could supply sufficient meat and food crops for increasing population of urban areas. The cottage industries were replaced by big factories. Production became unlimited. More wealth required to establish industry so Joint Stock Companies were opened for capital. A new capitalist class came into existence. The class started between factory owner and the laborers.
Beginning of Colonialism
After the industrial revolution, huge quantities of goods were produced in Europe. The industrial countries of Europe needed markets to sell their products. So, they started to search new places in different parts of the world. New lands were discovered. Many countries of Asia and Africa were colonized by England, France, Spain, and Portugal colonized South America. Similarly, Netherlands, Denmark, etc also had their colonies and colonialism began in the world. The industrial revolution brought a great change in cotton, iron, chemical and coal industries. It also helped to contribute to engineering and transport.
Impact of Industrial Revolution on human life
Due to industrial revolution various machines and devices were made which made human life easier. Development of transport and communication connected the people of different parts of the world. International trade also developed great extent. Industrialization influence every aspects of life. Resources were utilized extensively and more job opportunities were created. Per Capita Income rose more than ever before. Mass production of goods ensured low price and quality of goods. Work became faster and time was saved. People's quest for knowledge and political rights was encouraged. Agricultural countries of Europe were changed into industrial countries.
Industrial Revolution had some negative impacts as well. This revolution increased child labor very much. children worked in terrible condition. Boys and girls would pull carts of coal in dark, wet, narrow tunnels in mines. They were paid very less wage.
Society was divided into two classes; factory owner and worker. A new capitalist class came into existence. Clash started between factory workers and owners. This gave way for trade unions. Industrialization spoiled the nature and human conditions. Environment was highly polluted due to waste, sewage, chemical releases, chimney discharges, etc. Unhealthy competition began for economic imperialism among the industrialized countries of Europe which encouraged them to manufacture destructive weapons and it became one major cause of World Wars.
Topics covered: What is industrial revolution, industrial revolution, effects of industrial revolution, what are the effects of industrial revolution, industrial revolution and it's effects, characteristics of industrial revolution, changes appear after industrial revolution.
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