Development of society II What is society ?


What is society

The term 'society' is derived from the Latin word 'socious'. In Latin language, 'socious' means a friendship or relationship between the parties that are friendly. Thus a society is an organized form of friendship and mutual relationship. It is a structured community of people bound together by similar tradition, institution, nationality, collective activities and interests. In a common word, it is a group of people living together in a particular place. 

"Society is the union itself, the organization, the sum of formal relations in which associating individuals are bound together. " - Giddlings 

"Society is the web of social relationship " - Maclver and Page 

"Society is the complex of organised association and institution with a community" - G.D.M. Cole

Human societies are characterized by patterns of social relations between individuals who share a distinctive culture, institutions and same geographical or social territory. Every member is active in the society for achieving the common aims and objectives. In fact, a society is the network of the relationships between the individuals. 

Relationship between individual and society 

A human being is a wise and conscious social creature. S/he lives in the society where his/her existence is possible. There is no existence of society without its members. Hence, the existence of an individual and a society is not possible without each other. There is close relationship between individual and a society. 

Characteristics of a society 

  • A society is dynamic in nature as the  needs of individuals change along with time. 
  • A network of cultured social relationships. 
  • Associated in the institutional development on the basis of certain objective, policy and norms. 
  • Different cultures, religions, norms and values. 
  • Every member of a society protects his/her right in the society 
  • Social development is the main aim of a society. 
  • Feeling of ownership, mutual interaction, activeness and unity in the society. 
  • Having common aim and need of individuals living in a society. 
  • Interdependence is another important characteristics. 
  • Society is abstract. 
  • Mutual relationship between the members of a society. 
  • Common aim, intimation and need. 
  • Runs according to rules and regulations. 
Development of society 

Development refers to a positive and progressive change in somebody or something. It is something new observed in quality or quantity of something or somebody. We can observe many changes in the society. The positive change in social incidents, process and structure, etc. is known as the development of society. Development of society indicates the entire change including internal and external structure of the society. In addition to that, development of society means transformation of social structure, social relations, social institution, etc. in their new form. Every society is transforming from simple to complex, equality to inequality, unity to diversity, uncivilization to civilization and primitive to modern. 

Features of development of a society 

Some of the features of development of a society are as follows: 
  • Usual and planned 
  • Process of transformation 
  • Religious Equality 
  • Unequal pace of development 
  • Focus on reconciliation 
  • Unpredictable 
  • Fair Judicial System 
  • Universal process
  • Collective change 
  • Gender equality 

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