Voluntary Health Agencies in Nepal

Voluntary Health Agencies in Nepal 

Voluntary Health Agencies in Nepal

a) Nepal Reds Cross Society

Nepal Red Cross Society was established in 1963 AD (2020 BS), after one hundred years of establishment of International Red Cross Society (i.e. in 1863 AD). Nepal Red Cross Society was formally recognized by the international Committee of Red Cross Society on October 1, 1964. Jean Henry Dunant was founder of International Red Cross Society (ICRC) . He was born on May 8,1828 AD. The founder president of Nepal Red Cross Society was Princep Shah from the then royal family. Nepal Red Cross Society has been carrying out the following activities:

i. Service oriented activities: Nepal Red Cross Society is involved actively in service-oriented activities. Rescue of victims of natural disasters like flood, landslide, earthquake, storms, etc. and other fatal events like fire, accidents, etc. It also serves them in rehabilitation and re-settlement.

ii. Health service activities: Health service activities like vaccination, nutrition, family planning, blood donation and transfusing play active roles during the epidemics to prevent lives with health service activities.

iii. Development activities: It helps in community development program. Its major functions in community development programs are drinking water supply program, sanitation, literacy program, awareness programs, etc. 

iv. Organizational development activities: Nepal Red Cross Society performs many organizational developmental activities like workshop, trainings, seminars, exhibitions, etc. It has extended branch offices in all the districts of nation. Junior Red Cross Circles are formed among school students. The society also expands its general members, life-time members, special members, honorary members, etc. who can contribute for the development of the organization.

b) Nepal Paropakar Association

Nepal Paropakar Association was established on Aswin 10,2004 BS. Before its establishment, it had made history in charity of people. Its formal establishment with the name "Nepal Paropakar Association" was an amendment of "Paropakar Volunteers Group" which was established in 2003 BS. Initiation of the group was a product of self-motivated movement of some youths in serving victims of cholera, which broke out in Kathmandu valley in 1994 BS causing a big loss of lives. Mr. Dayabirsingh Kansakar initiated and handled the movement of charity with his friends and volunteers.

It has a central office in Vimsensthan, Kathmandu. The  association is contributing people by providing the following services:

  • It distributes free medicines for poor, helpless and orphans through charitable dispensary.
  • It provides health services to people in different parts of the country through primary health depot and donation department.
  • The association had established Paropakar Orphanage in 2010 BS in Kathmandu. Now, it is providing secondary level education to orphans and general people at Paropakar Adarsha Secondary School.
  • It started Indra Rajya Maternity Hospital from 2016 BS.
  • It is providing ambulance service for people.
  • The association is involved in social charitable works of public concerns.
c) Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN)

FPAN was established in Nepal in 2016 BS. Later on in 2026 BS, it received full registration from IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation). In the beginning, it worked mainly for family planning to control undesired births. But, these days it works broadly in various fields of reproductive health of Nepali people. Some of the major objectives of FPAN are listed below:
  1.  To help couples plan the number of children to have in their family.
  2. To assist in protecting and promoting MCH (Maternal and Child Health) 
  3. To counsel and help couples to have children in case of infertility and sterility
  4. To conduct family planning clinics in different places
  5. To encourage public participation in family planning activities and awareness programs
d) Nepal Heart Foundation

Heart disease have been a global participation in the recent days. Change in lifestyle, less physical exercises, unhealthy and fatty food habits, use of harmful preservatives in readymade food stuffs, etc. have been the main causes behind this problem. Nepal is also encountering increasing heat disease in the recent days. In this context, Nepal Heart foundation was established in 2045 BS.  It's central office is in Kathmandu. It has extended the branches in many districts. 
Nepal Heart Foundation is working for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of different heart disease like hypertension (i.e. high blood pressure), hypotension (i.e. low blood pressure), high cholesterol, coronary heart diseases, valve diseases, heart attack, etc. It contributed for establishment of Martyr Gangalal Heart Center. It conducts awareness program for healthy lifestyle and healthy food habits to prevent heart diseases. It helps in the treatment of heart diseases and open heart surgery for poor people. It has started National rheumatic fever and heart disease prevention and control program from 2064 BS in Nepal.
Except the above-mentioned different organizations, there are many other national and international organizations working for promotion of health in Nepal. WHO, UNICEF4, FAO5, UNFPA, Rotary Club, Lions Club, Jaycees, etc. are some examples of international non-governmental organizations Many local and national organizations  are registered in respective district offices to run various health programs in their districts. 

e) Nepal Anti-tuberculosis association

Nepal Anti-tuberculosis Association was established in 2010 BS by 10 social workers. Its central office is in Kalimati, Kathmandu. This organization works against tuberculosis disease in Nepal. It is a non-government organization with service motive. It is a non-profit making voluntary organization.
Some of the main projects and programs started to control tuberculosis are described in short below:
Tuberculosis Control Project:  This project was started in 2022 BS with tripartite agreement between WHO, Nepal Government, and UNICEF. This project works throughout the country . Nepal Anti tuberculosis Association is assisting this project. This project has main objectives of case finding or identification of tuberculosis disease in patients, distribution of medicines, vaccination of (BCG) against tuberculosis, etc.

German Nepal Tuberculosis Project (GENETUP):  Nepal Anti-tuberculosis Association has started GENETUP to fight against tuberculosis in Nepal. This project includes the objectives similar to Tuberculosis Control Project. Besides, it focuses upon DOTS program, which have been very effective for treatment of tuberculosis disease; because, in this program patients of tuberculosis take medicine regularly under direct supervision and observation of medical personnel. Tuberculosis is caused due to a strong bacteria (Tuberculosis Bacilli), and one needs regular intake of medicine for a long period of time to control this disease.

In addition to these programs and projects , National Tuberculosis Center is established recently. This is also working for the victims of tuberculosis in Nepal. 

Some of the main objectives of Nepal Anti-Tuberculosis Association are given below:
  1.  To carry out study and research works in different parts of Nepal to find out status of tuberculosis disease among Nepali people 
  2. To make people aware about preventive measures of tuberculosis
  3. To provide preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative health services for the victims of tuberculosis
  4. To coordinate with government and INGO's for anti-tuberculosis activities.
  5. To help national organizations by providing assistance to fight against tuberculosis.
Main activities adopted by this organization in Nepal to control tuberculosis disease are:
  1.  Dissemination of information and knowledge about TB disease, its causes, mode of communication, etc. 
  2. Organizing different workshops, seminars, and trainings to share and exchange ideas and experiences with others
  3. School based TB prevention health education program to penetrate through wide range of human population.
  4. Conducting community based health education program
  5. Diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis patients
  6. BCG vaccination program for the children
f) Nepal Cancer Relief Society (NCRS) 

Nepal Cancer Relief Society (NCRS)  is a non-profit community-based nationwide social organization founded on Bhadra21, 2039 B.S  with the aim of fighting against the spread of cancer in Nepal. The organization has now established its branches in 40 district of Nepal and has been mobilizing more than 10,000 volunteers nationwide. NCRS is a pioneer organization for tobacco control in Nepal. NCRS works in both cancer prevention and its cure. Tobacco control is the major preventive activity done by NCRS because it is a sole preventable risk factor for several types of cancer.

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