What is Drainage
Drainage is a system of removal of wastewater through canals and pipes in a systematic way. Drainage helps in managing wastewater produced from the household activities, market area or agriculture field. Household sewage is commonly drained away with the help of pipelines set indoor. Drainage for the market area is most commonly constructed as narrow and deep canal along the roadsides. They are kept covered with cement slabs. Wide concrete rings are also used for draining the wastewater of market areas. There are open and wide canals made for draining of wastewater of agriculture fields. The system of drainage is very useful in controlling environmental pollution. Drainage protects the wastes being scattered in the environment. The proper management of waste water helps to keep the surrounding clean. The waste water discharged from residential area, industries, hospitals, and hotel area deteriorates the environment. It pollutes the water sources and spreads foul smell in the surroundings. Waste water also creates the problems of different kinds of communicable and non-communicable diseases. So it is necessary to make a proper drainage system and protect the surroundings from pollution. Some of the methods of the proper management of drainage are as follows:
i. The accumulation of unwanted water in agriculture is harmful to soil, plants, and other organisms living there . It destroys the natural qualities of soil. It loosens the grip of soil that may cause landslide and soil erosion. In this way, polluted water destroys the natural structure of land. It is necessary to make proper drainage system in agricultural land to manage proper outflow of water.
ii. In city area and crowded residential areas, it is better to make concrete drains and pits to manage the waste water. Drain of waste water and drinking water pipe should be placed separately to prevent from contamination of drinking water with drain water.
iii. Wastewater discharged from factories, industries, distilleries should not be released without processing.
iv. Proper care and maintenance of drainage system should be done regularly.
v. Government should provide technical support to the hospital, industry and other related sensitive areas to develop the drainage system and process of waste water if necessary.
Excreta Disposal
We pass the wastes of our body as different substances. They are called excreta . Human excreta generally mean faeces and urine. Excreta itself is a strong source of causative agent for many gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, excreta should be discharged only into the latrine. Proper use of latrine contributes a lot to keeps the environment healthy. In some rural places and even in town areas, human excrete found in open places and in busy street . It is the source of infection and it causes environmental pollution. Some of the problems created by open excreta are given below:
a) It pollutes the surroundings
The disposal of excreta in open places and streets provides favourable environment for files, germs, and worms to grow. It gives off smell in the environment. Proper disposal of excreta in latrine helps to solve the problem but the latrine should be kept clean.
b) Pollution of air, water and land
Disposal of excreta in open place pollutes the land. It is immediately attacked by microorganisms and produces pollutant gases with bad order that causes air pollution. Leakage of gas pipe of septic tank also pollutes in the air. In the same way, contamination of faeces in water resources pollutes water.
c) Spread of communicable diseases
Human excreta are the sources of many communicable diseases. The agents spread through excreta to our food. We suffer from different kinds of communicable diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery , worm infestation , typhoid , etc. due to contamination of faeces in our food.
Latrines are the safe places for disposal of human excreta. We defecate and urinate in latrine for safe disposal of faces and urine. The process of releasing excreta out from our body keeps us healthy by removing harmful substances. It creates new space in our body for intake of food and water. Latrines are necessary to keep the environment clean and healthy. If there is no proper management of latrine, people defecate at any place or wherever they like. Latrines are made in accordance places where people live. As there is lack of space in town areas, people make latrine inside or attach to the house. Attached concrete latrines are easy to use and convenient for children, elderly, and handicapped family members too. In village area, latrines are made at a safe distance from the house. Raw materials used in construction of houses and latrines in village areas are not long-lasting. People use hay, straw, wood and similar materials for construction purpose. There are different types of latrines used at different places in our country. Some of them are described below:
Types of Latrine
a) Trench Latrine
Trench latrine is an immediate improvement against the problem of open defecation. It is a type of temporary latrine made particularly for the events like fair and camps. It has a longitudinal pit divided into few cubicles (segments) separated by the sheets of straw, plastic, tin, wood or any other locally available material.
The trench is about 2 feet deep and , once filled, will be covered with soil and another trench is dug parallel to it. The recommended maximum length of trench is 6m, providing six cubicles.
b) Borehole Latrine
A borehole drilled by machine or hand-powered auger can be used as a latrine. This has a typical diameter of 20 to 40 cm and a depth of 6 meter (20 feet). At the top, a sitting seal is set for convenience of defecation. This structure is protected by the walls made up of locally available materials on three sides and a door on one side. A roof made up of tin , straw, hay or plastic protect the interior from rain. It should be constructed about 15-50 meters away from the water resources depending on the nature of soil. Borehole latrines are most appropriate in situations where boring/drilling equipment is readily available , where a large number of latrines must be constructed rapidly, and where pits are difficult to excavate, either due to ground conditions or lack of a suitable labour force. The relatively small diameter permits a simpler, smaller, lighter and cheaper floor slab and foundation, but limits the storage capacity. A bored-hole latrine is suitable for stable, permeable soils, free of stones, and where the ground water is deep beneath the surface. It was first started in India in 1930 by Rockefeller in order to control the transmission of hookworms.
c) Pit Latrine
This kind of latrine is popular in rural areas. A simple pit is made in a certain place from the house. Its size depends upon the size of the family and their need. It is simply made with locally available raw materials like straw, hay, bamboo, wood, etc. Local villagers with no special training can also construct the simple pit latrine. In this latrine, there is a simple pit and a safe defecating chamber with boundaries and roof. The feces are collected in the pit which is covered safely. pit latrine was brought in use from West Bengal since 1949A.D . It is useful in rural areas where there is no sufficient water and construction materials like cement , sand, rods, bricks, etc.
Some of the important information regarding the site selection of simple pit latrine are given below:
- It should be selected at least 30 feet away from the house and water sources such as well, tube-well, etc.
- It should be constructed below the water source. It prevents water from being polluted.
- It should be constructed in hard soil area that increases the life of latrine.
- Latrine should not be constructed too far from the house because it will be difficult for old and young members as well as for sick people.
- The door and ventilation of latrine should not face towards the house. Otherwise bad odor of latrine spreads towards the house.
- Pit latrine can be constructed even in low cost and using the locally available materials.
- It needs less amount of water compared to other advanced types of latrines.
- It doesn't need trained manpower to construct.
- Use of pit can help to make the surroundings. It protects the growth and spread of fly, insects and germs.
- Ventilator and wooden slab can be used to keep it clean and safe.
- It is not durable in comparison to other concrete latrine especially it creates problems in rainy season.
- It cannot be made near the residence. So, it creates problem at night, rainy season and for children and aged family members to use.
- It pollutes the surroundings and provides habitat for fly, insect and germs.
- It is not very safe from the point of view of transmission of diseases as houseflies and other insects go inside it easily.
- It is more hygienic and even semi-skilled manpower can make it.
- This type of latrine can be constructed near the house.
- It helps to keep the surroundings clean and healthy. Water-seal pan helps to prevent foul smell.
- This latrine prevents spread of the diseases from human excreta.
- It is the most hygienic among all. As it is made by killed manpower, it is more comfortable from various aspects.
- This type of latrine can be constructed inside the house. It is very useful for elderly people, handicapped people and children.
- It also uses water-seal pan that helps to prevent foul smell and transmission of diseases germs through vectors like flies and insects.
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