Concept and Indicator of Development

Concept and Indicator of Development 

Indicator of development

Concept of Development

Development works are regarded as the backbone of nation. It adds facilities to livelihood for citizen of the nation. Human being carries out development activities to make their life comfortable and better with easy access to various types of their needs . They fulfill basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, etc. by development works like agricultural advancement and mechanizations, construction of houses and  buildings, establishment of garments, etc. Additional needs like entertainment, religious practices, etc are also fulfilled by establishment of movie hall, temples, churches, monasteries etc. There are many such development works which are utilized to fulfill countless human needs. In these all development works, there is a common process of obtained raw materials. what is the common process? Is this about the source of raw materials for development works? Yes, people obtain all raw materials to run development from the common environment and nature. All development work need utilization of natural resources. For construction works, we need pebbles, stone, and sand obtained from river; wood , fibers, timbers, plant sap, etc. from forest; oil , ghee, meat, bones, etc. form biodiversity; diesel, petrol, kerosene, gas, etc. from natural petroleum resources; metallic substances like iron , copper, gold, silver, silicon, etc. from their respective ores found freely in the nature and minerals from their natural resources.

There is deep-rooted relationship among population, environment, and development. People carry out development works by utilizing raw materials from the environment . In this way, these three factors become integrated with one another. As mentioned earlier, development works as the processes of obtaining more facilities for human life. In a single word, development can be taken synonymously as growth. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary gives meaning of the term "development" as "The gradual growth of something so that it becomes more advanced, stronger, etc." and also " the process of producing or creating something new or more advanced". In broader sense, development can be defined as "the process of generating new accesses of human being to obtain facilities, commodities, and services needed for improving their quality of life by appropriate management and mobilization of resources. 

Aspects of Development 

Development possesses different aspects on the basis of its output and contributions to us. There are major four aspects of development. They are physical, social ,  economic and human resource aspects. 

a) Physical aspects of development

It includes the aspects which exist in our surroundings as substantial things. They are tangible and visible aspects. Roads, buildings, service centers, communication tools, electricity, irrigation canals, etc. are some examples of physical aspects of development.

b) Social aspects

This aspect of development includes social norms, values, level of knowledge and understanding, , state of adjustment , readiness for change and such other factors that motivate people for developmental works.

c) Economic aspects

It is the financial support for development and economic funds. It is generated by employment, business, industrialization and proper utilization of resources.

d) Human resource aspect

Human resource is the key factor for planning and executing the developmental processes. Human resources are related to education, health, agriculture, communication, science and technology.

Indicators of Development 

Development plays important roles in human life. It primarily improves the level of fulfillment of basic needs of people . Food, shelter and cloth are three basic needs . Besides, people experience various needs to cope with the existing conditions of difficulties and circumstances. The needs of people are arranged in a succession of hierarchy from lower level to upper level. Fulfillment of such needs and their level indicates the extent of development . Therefore, there should be adequate measures to fulfill the needs and demands of people to prove that there is development at the place. Industrialization, employment opportunities, income generating activities and effective mobilization of resources ensures the developmental achievements. Some of the indicators of development are as follows:

a) Economic Growth

Economic growth is one of the major indicators of development. Development adds different facilities and potentiality of income generation for people. Development creates employment opportunities. Besides, total production of developed places is better than that of underdeveloped places. Progress is expressed in terms of GDP ( Gross Domestic Product ) and GNP ( Gross National Product) . These values show significant progress with the developmental activities. Industrial revolutions and development of infrastructures support for economic growth of society and country. 

Economic growth is not merely related to the income level of people . Progress in GDP growth rate is taken as the most important indicators of economic growth. 

b) Quality Life

Life has different dimensions and aspects. Everyone wants to get satisfaction, happiness, and success in life. Some people are living happily with fulfillment of their desires needs but some are not. If we compare many families in as community, we can find some happy families, where there is happiness, harmony ,satisfaction, good relations, cooperation, etc. and some unhappy families, where there are disputes , quarrel, dissatisfaction, hunger, starvation, and so on. In this way, quality of life differs from family to family. Quality of life resides  in those families where family members fulfill their basic needs and other desires. Now, we can say quality of life depends upon two basic factors; the extent of desires and ability to fulfill their desires.  

Quality of life is uplifted when there is fulfilment of desires, needs, or wants. Adversely, it is seized by the conditions where there is no fulfillment of desires, needs, or wants. These needs may be physical, psychological, biological, spiritual and aesthetic. One can add quality of life in two ways: by minimizing the extents in one's life it plays significant roles in advancement of his/her life. Some of the importances of quality of life are: 

  • Fulfillment of basic needs 
  • Attainment of quality education 
  • Management of health services, facilities and sanitation 
  • Facilities for maternal and child welfare 
  • Opportunities for income generating activities and employment 
  • Women empowerment 
Some of the measures to improve quality of life are given below: 

i. Nutritious food should be managed for all the family members so that they do not suffer from malnutrition and other nutrition deficiency diseases. 

ii. Family size must be made as small as possible. It is possible by restricting the number of children by married couples. They can use the contraceptive devices to control unexpected childbirth. 

iii. Health is a prime factor of quality of life. Therefore, health of all family members should be monitored periodically with the help of qualified health practitioners. Health examination, necessary treatment and follow-up prevent us from harmful effects of diseases. 

iv. Sanitation is an aspect of physical and aesthetic part of our life. It keeps our environment safe from the disease germs. It also keeps our mind calm and happy to increase our quality of life. 

v. Education is an ornament that enhances the inner glow and glory for each individual. Educated people can get better jobs and earn more than others to maintain quality of life.
vi. Income is the key factor for the fulfillment of every sort of needs nowadays. We can get almost everything in the market with money. If income level is stronger, we can obtain the things and services we need to improve the quality of life. 

C) Happiness 

Happiness is a sense of satisfaction, well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel happiness. The "pursuit of happiness" is something that every person possesses throughout the life. People feel happiness for different reasons. Whenever something causes happiness, people usually want to remain adhesive to the same situation. Development contributes significantly in addition to happiness and services among people. It provides additional facilities and services to make people's life better and comfortable. Therefore it is one of the prominent indicator of development. If we find happier people at a place, we guess there is adequate development. 

Happiness is an abstract aspect of human life. It is felt through the experiences and feelings. In order to analyze people's happiness with numeric value, the techniques of Happiness Planet Index (HPI) is practiced nowadays. 

d) Human Resource Development 
Human resource is the key and crucial factor for development. It plans, executes, finalizes and analyzes all sort of developmental tasks. Human resource can be categorized to unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled and highly skilled manpower. Human resource is very important in developmental works because it helps: 
  • To identify and mobilize the natural resources. 
  • To increase the agricultural production. 
  • To utilize the physical property in proper ways. 
  • To carry out the social development through social campaign, NGOs, and INGOs. 
  • To utilize the products of development in wise ways. 
  • To integrate the concept of sustainable development in general developmental works. 
  • To conserve the environment along with developmental works. 
  • To gain economic progress through development. 
Topics covered: Indicator of development, what are the indicator of development, some of the indicator of development, concept of development, introduce concept of development, what is the concept of development, what are some of the indicator of development

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