What is Internet Technology

What is Internet Technology 

What is Internet Technology

Internet technology refers to the devices, software, hardware, and transmission protocols used to connect computers together in order to receive or send data from one computer to another within a small or a larger computer networks. The internet technology includes are like Local Area Networks, Wide Area Networks, bridging, switching, routing, voice and data integration, wireless integration, dial-up technology, cable access technology, network security and network management. 

The Internet is a massive network of networks which connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which one computer can communicate with any other computer. The internet also known as international network that uses telephone lines, cables, satellites and wireless connections to connect computers and other devices in a common protocol TCP/IP to the World Wide Web. All the modern computers, mobile phones, digital televisions, video game consoles and other devices can connect to the internet. The Internet is governed by different public organizations such as Internet society (ISOC), Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Internet Architecture Board (IAB) etc. 

Short History of Internet/ Internet technology

The internet began as ARPANET, an academic research network that was funded by the military's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). The project was led by Bob Taylor, an ARPA administrator and the network was built by the consulting firm of Bolt, Beranek and Newman. It began operations in 1969. In 1973, software engineers Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn began work on the next generation of networking standards for ARPANET. These standards, known as TCP/IP, became the foundation of the modern internet. ARPANET switched to using TCP/IP on January 1, 1983. During the 1980s, funding for the internet shifted from the military to the National Science Foundation. The NSF funded the long-distance networks that served as the internet's backbone from 1981 until 1994. In 1994, the Clinton Administration turned control over the internet backbone to the private sector. It has been privately operated and funded ever since. 

Role of Internet in today's life 

Today, the internet technology is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. It is one of the major parts of the life in the society. In the modern day and age, internet has become an essential for everyone. It is an integral part of our daily routines: whether it is finding a receipt for our favorite movie or looking for a book review, we all turn to the internet. Without internet, our everyday jobs might be left undone and our communication channels might break to one side. Hence, nowadays even companies and educational institutions are incorporating the use of internet in their daily work procedures in order to stay competitive. Hence, today's human without internet is like some what a handicapped. 

Advantages and disadvantages of internet 

Every day the internet continues to provide a new facility, something new that is immensely convenient and that makes life easier for users. However, the internet also contains some unwanted elements or disadvantages. The following are the advantages and disadvantages of the internet. 

Advantages of internet 


The internet technology has definitely brought people closer and also helped in economic growth. It has also brought down geographical and language boundaries. The universe has become a global due to information technology, permitting countries such as Nepal and Russia who are separated by language and distance, share information and ideas with one another (country level and people level). 

Faster communication 

Through internet communication, time can be saved. This is because it is much quicker to transfer information around the world. It also becomes faster and efficient to contact a business partner or relatives in a very little time period. 

Cost effective 

The voice call and messaging service of internet is so cheaper through the world. The internet also helps to make video calls at very cheaper cost and provides several services to systematize business activities. 

Employment opportunities 

Another major advantage of internet is the creation of new and exciting jobs. System analysts, computer programmers. web designers, hardware and software developers and many other new opportunities created by information communication technology for and younger generation peoples. 

Online communication: 

The Internet provides online virtual communication with anyone around the world through several internet services such as Face book messenger, yahoo messenger, viber, twitter etc. The internet also provides face to face communication with different social medias and service such as face book, Skype, IMO etc. 

Disadvantages of Internet 


Even though the Internet technology has improved many sectors, it has resulted in job unemployment through outsourcing, downsizing, and redundancies. For example, a factory can replace skilled personnel with robots which can work faster and for longer hours. 

Cyber crimes 

The internet has made communication easier, quicker and convenient but various cyber crimes are originated and emerging in the society through internet. Email hacking, identity theft, cyber stalking, pornography, phot signal interceptions etc are prominent type of crimes committed using the internet. 

Overruling cultures 

While the internet technology has made the universe a global village, some cultures have consumed others. For instance, teenagers of our country have influenced and follow the western countries culture and customs which really does not suit to our society and culture. 

Topics covered: internet technology, what is internet technology, short note on internet technology, all about internet technology, history of internet technology, advantages and disadvantages of internet technology

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