Types of operating system

What is Operating System 

Types of operating system

Operating  system is the most fundamental program in computer that controls all the computer's resources and provides the base upon which the application program can be run. It is the collections of programs that make the computer operational, hence named so. Without an operating system, the hardware of the computer is just an inactive electronic machine, possessing great computational power but doing nothing for the user. An operating system is the collection of programs that acts as an interface between the user and the computer and hardware of the computer providing an operational environment to the users and application programs. For a user, therefore a computer is nothing but the operating system running on it. Some of the common and popular operating system software are Windows, Linux, Apple DOS, MS DOS etc. 

Functions of Operating System 

Operating system is one of the most important software for smooth functioning of computer system. It manages all the resources of computer with its hardware and software. It acts as resource manager for the user as well extended virtual machines. Beside these, an operating system performs all the various functions required to control and manage entire operation inside the computer. Some of the major functions of Operating system are discussed below: 

Input/ Output management: This is the function of operating system which allows computer to recognize and interact with input and output devices such as mouse, keyboard, printer, Network Interface Card, modem, etc. 

Command Interpretation: This function of operating systems takes care of interpreting user commands, and directs the system resources to handle the request. It also translates such commands, into a detailed set of instructions. 

Memory management: The memory management function of operating system allows of the allocation and reallocation of memory spaces to the various programs in authorized users. 

Security management: This is another function of operating system which protects the resources and information of computer system against destruction and unauthorized access. This helps to keep data, file, program etc. safe for the authorized users. 

File and Folder management: This is another function of Operating system which allows managing the overall activities related to the files and folders such as organization, storage retrieval, naming, sharing, opening, closing, protecting files, etc. 

Deadlock prevention: Deadlock is the situation which can arise when a resource is shared by two or more process. In such situation the operating system carefully handles and allows the resources properly to avoid the problems. 

Types of Operating System 

There are various types of operating system. We had try to cover all your queries related to operating system types. Some of the type of operating system are as follows: 

Types of operating system on mode of user 

i. Single User Operating System 

Single user operating systems is a type of operating system work on processing that require less resources. In this system, the resources of the system mainly the CPU time and printing facilities are idle till the user logs off. These operating systems are used mainly for computers having only one terminal (stand alone PCs). Examples of single user operating systems are: MS DOS, windows 3x, windows 95, 97, 98. In mobile phone, Symbian is single user operating system. 

Advantages of single user operating system 

Supports one user at a time: In these systems, one user is only active at a time. So there will be no other user interfering with the applications. And in these systems all computer resources are used by an user requests. 

Easy to maintain: These systems use less resources and complexity of them is less so it is easy to maintain and debug. 

Less chance to damage: These system includes less request to hardware and software at a time so they have less chance to damage. These system do not make higher load time also. 

Concentrate on one task: Since the single user OS execute only one task run at a time, they give one by one result to the user. There is less chance of data crash. 

Disadvantages of single user operating system 

Tasks take longer time to complete: When multiple tasks are run at a time then many tasks are waiting for the CPU. This will make system slow and response time is higher. So these systems response to processes at higher time. 

Idle time is higher: If only one task is running and this task don't require memory or I/O use then theses devices remain idle. So only one task run at a time then other tasks have to wait till first task is finished. So CPU, memory and disk I/O not used properly. 

ii. Multi-User Operating System 

A Multi-user operating system is also one of the types of operating system which lets more than one user access to the computer system at a time. Access to the computer system is normally provided via network, so that users access the computer remotely using a terminal or other computer. The popular operating systems used for multi user operating system are UNIX, LINUX, NETWARE, OS/400 etc. 

Advantages of multi user operating system 

  • Each user can access same document on own PC. For example, if one computer has a song or movie then other computers attached with it will play that song or movie on their computer also.
  • Large databases like airlines use this system and ticket reservation effectively without loosing performance. 
  • It is very much effective for querying and accessing the books in online library through a single resource. 
  • If one computer in the network gets error then other computers do not get affected and those systems handle this efficiently. 
Disadvantages of multi user operating system 
  • Sharing the private information of individual computer with multiple users is dangerous in this system. 
  • If one computer gets attacked by a virus then other computers also get suffered. 
Difference between single user and multiuser operating system 

Single User Operating System

Multi user operating System

1. Single user operating system allow a single user to perform just one task.

1. Multi user operating system allows multiple users to use program simultaneously.

2. Single user operating system do not support networking environment.

2. Multi user operating system support networking environment.

3. Single user operating system are smaller program and occupy less memory.

3. Multi user operating system are bigger programs an occupy more memory.

4. Example of single user operating system: MS-DOS

4. Examples of multi user operating system: Unix

Types of operating system based on user interface 

The types of operating system on the basis of user interface are described below: 

i. CUI (Character User Interface) 

The Character User Interface or Command line User Interface operating system is a text based operating system, which is used for interacting with the software or files by typing commands to perform specific tasks. This operating system uses only keyboard to enter commands. The command line operating system includes DOS and UNIX. 

Some terms used in CUI operating system 

Booting is the process of loading system files of operating system to the memory from bootable disk and starting the computer. Thus, it is the process of starting or restarting the computer so that it can perform in two ways. They are: 

i. Cold booting:
This is a type of booting in which the computer is started by pressing power button on when it is at off stage. During the cold booting process, the main power supply or UPS is turned on then the computer gets started. A cold boot is better than warm boot because it completes the boot-up sequence. 

ii. Warm booting 
This is a type of booting in which the computer is restarted by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete key at once or using re-set button or using shutdown command like Shutdown.exe -r when the computer is already at on stage. During the process, the system restarts with warm booting as the power supply of the computer does not shut down for a simple moment. 

A file is a collection of related data which is stored in to disk. A file may be in different types such as document file, program file, database file etc. A disk contain many files and each file can be recognized by the file name. A file name has two parts: file name and extension. File name is a complete name given to the file and extension identifies the type of the file. Various applications have different extension so that it can be easily recognized the type of file. 

A directory is a placeholder of files also known as is a table of contents of disk. A directory contains the sub directories and files with detail information such as name, sizes, address, date of creation, last date of modification, etc. A directory makes easy to handle the files in the computer. There are two types of directories: 

i. Root directory 
ii. Sub directory 

Root directory: 
Root directory is the main directory of a disk which contains many other directories and files. Disks have at least one directory which creates itself when a disk is formatted that is called root directory. Root directory is indicated by back slash (\). 

Sub directory: 
A sub directory is a directory inside another directory. A sub directory is also called child directory. Sub directory can contain other directories and files inside it. A sub directory containing sub directories is called parent directory. 

Difference between GUI and CUI operating system 

CUI operating system

GUI operating system

1. The CUI operating system is difficult to use and understand because user has to remember each of the command.

1. The GUI operating system is easy to use and understand because Commands are graphically presented.

2. CUI operating system do not support additional peripheral devices and  multimedia.

2. GUI operating system support additional peripheral devices and multimedia system.

3. CUI operating system do not support networking and internet devices.

3. GUI operating system fully support the networking and internet services.

4.  CUI operating system are single user, single tasking operating system.

4. GUI operating system are multiuser, multitasking operating system. Example: Windows 7


ii. GUI (Graphical User Interface): 

A graphical user interface (GUI) is a type of user interface that allows users to navigate around a computer or device and complete actions via visual indicators and graphical icons. All major operating systems such as Windows, Mac, iOS (iPhone Operating System) and Android have a graphic interface where we can click on an icon to complete an action such as opening an application, viewing a menu or navigating through the device. Initially GUI were developed for use with a mouse and keyboard but are now widely used in many handheld mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets which uses a combination of technologies to provide a platform for interaction. 

Topics covered: What is operating system, operating system, types of operating system, operating system types, classification of operating system, operating system Types, Types operating system, TYPES OF OPERATING SYSTEM

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