Terms used in Internet

Terms used in Internet

Terms used in Internet

Web Browser

Web browser is the program or software  which is used to access the Internet. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple's Safari, and Google Chrome are the most common browsers. Each will have its own settings and slightly different feel, but all have the same functions. The browsers serve as portals to the World Wide Web, aiding browsing. The browsers serve as portals to the World Wide Web, aiding browsing, surfing, or searching through all the websites that exist. 

Search Engine 

Search engines are the interactive tool or software which help people to locate and find the required websites and information via www. These are online programs such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, Bing etc that allow using search terms and phrases to locate information on the Internet. Unless we know the particular URL of the website we want to visit, then we will probably use a search engine to find websites that correspond to the search terms. 

Web server

A web server is a computer system that hosts websites. It runs Web server software, such as Apache or Microsoft IIS, which provides access to hosted webpages over the Internet. Most Web servers are connected to the Internet via a high-speed connection.


The term uploading is meant by the process of transferring or storing data, file, software, programs etc from user's computer to the World Wide Web. We can upload the file using a special software such as File transfer protocol (FTP) from our local computer to web server.


The term downloading is meant by the process of copying or storing data, files, programs etc in the user's computer from internet server with the help of FTP. Sometimes we need to save any information from the website to our computer for further reference .


Uniform resources locator (URL) is the address of a resource on the Internet . An URL indicates the location of a resources as well as the protocol used to access it. It is sometimes also known as Universal Resource Locator (URL) which is a type of uniform resources identifier (URL)  or Web address.

An URL contains the following information:

  • The protocol used to access the resource.
  • The location of the server (whether  by IP address or domain name).
  • The port number on the server (optional).
  • The location of the resource in the directory structure of the server.


The home page is the very first page we can see when we open the Internet browser. It is the initial page like main entrance gate of the home that a browser opens when we access any website. Home pages often have links to other pages within the website.


Webpage is a collection of hypertext information of any organization, company, government agency or individuals stored in the website. Several webpages on a related subject make a website. We can think of the webpage  as a page in a magazine. We may see text , photos, images, diagrams, links,  advertisements and more on any page which we view.


Website is the collection of several related webpages with hypertext document created by any business organization/university etc. It is a central location of various web pages that are all related and can be  accessed visiting the home page of the website using a browser. For example, the creative publication website is https://www.crpublication.com. From our home page, you could get access to any of the webpages contained on our website.

Request for connect (RFC) 

The Request for comments is a note with information about computer communication that network requests. They are the general and technical information in terms of documents placed for Interval community those who need detail knowledge about an  Internet.  If a revision needs to be made to an RFC, a new number must be given to it.

Internet Server Provider

An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is an organization that offers and provides the necessary internet related services and access to the user or customers. It is the company or government organization that plugs you into the vast internet. We need an Internet Service Provider to get to the internet. You may access a free ISP at school, a library or work, or you may pay a private ISP at home. Mercantile is considered as the first ISP of Nepal. Beside this, World Link. Broad Link, Subisu, NTC/Ncell  etc are the popular ISPs of Nepal at present.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ is an online document that poses a series of common questions and answers on a specific topic. FAQ originated in Usenet groups as a way to answer questions about the rules of the service. Today,  there are FAQs on the Web for many topics, ranging from programming languages to farming tips for finding the solutions those who are subscribed into the newsgroup/Usenet service of Internet.


A protocol is a set rules that applies on the full data communications procedure. It is like an agreement between the two devices to successfully communicate with each other. Common types of communication protocols are as follows:



i. Transmission Control Protocol

To divide messages into stream of packets then send and reassemble at the destination.

ii. Internet Protocol

To route packets of Ip address through different nodes and networks until it reaches its final destination.

iii. Post Office Protocol

To receive incoming electronic mails.

iv.  Hyper Text Protocol

To transfer hypertext  document between web server and  web clients.

v. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

To send and distribute outgoing electronic mails.

vi. File transfer Protocol

To upload and download data, information, files, etc.

 Domain Name System 

Domain Name System is the distributed naming service used on the internet. It is a database system which can translate and provide a machine's domain names into related IP address. A domain name starts with the corresponding IP address through a number such as The DNS translates Internet domain and host names to IP addresses and vice versa. On the Internet, DNS automatically converts between the names we type in our Web browser address bar to the IP addresses of Web servers hosting those sites. DNS is a client/server network communication systems : DNS clients send request to and receive responses from DNS servers. Requests containing a name, that results in an IP address  being returned from the server. 

Domain and domain name

Domain is the root address for a website or web page. It is the element of domain name system that indicates the IP address of a website or a computer. A domain name is the website name which is the address where Internet users can access the website. A domain name is used for finding and  identifying computers on the Internet. Internet domain names are organized by their levels, with the higher levels on the right. Internet domain names come in different types. Some of the important are:

Top Level Domain (TLD) 

The Top-Level domain (TLD) , sometimes called the internet domain extension, is the very last section of an internet domain name. This type of domain serves as an instant way to understand  what a website is about or where it's based. Types of top level domain are.

Generic top level domain : com (commercial,  . org (organization), . net (network) .name(name) ,. biz (business). info (information)

Country code top level domain:    .us: United States, .ca: Canada, fr: France, cn: China,. in :India, .ru: Russia, .jp:Japan, .br:Brazil, .np:Nepal

Second level domain

A second-level domain is the portion of a domain name directly below the top level domain in the DNS hierarchy. It appears immediately to the left of the TLD. For example, in a domain name like "google.com," the word "google," as the  second-level domain where domain holders put the brand name, project name, organization name or other familiar identifier for users.

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