Sexually Transmitted Diseases II Sexually transmitted diseases list
The diseases which are transmitted through sexual intercourse are called Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). They are widely studied under STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) nowadays. The main cause of the sexually transmitted diseases is unsafe sex. Unsafe sex means to have sexual relations with many sexual partners without using a condom. There are more than 20 sexually transmitted infections i.e. sexually transmitted diseases including HIV, Hepatitis B, Gonorrhea, Syphilis. Chancroid, Chlamydia and Trichomoniasis. While you search in google you will find many sexually transmitted diseases list which are more but the major sexually disease that we must be acknowledged are described below:
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
This is the popular sexually transmitted diseases mainly popular all over the world. The full form of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by RNA Retrovirus HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Syndrome is a collection of several signs and symptoms. More appropriately, it is also called a syndrome instead of disease many signs and symptoms may be seen together in AIDS. HIV destroys the immune system of our body and creates a condition where there is deficiency of the immune power. The HIV virus attacks the CD4 positive T-lymphocytes and they increase their number billion times a day by continuous replication of viral RNA with the help of its replication enzymes. HIV was first recognized in USA in July 1981 in some African (Haitian) people. Since then it has been spreading all over the world rapidly. It is assumed that 7,500 people are infected with HIV each day and there are more than 33 million people infected with HIV in the world at present. HIV entered lately in Asia. It has remarkably found among injecting drug abusers, too. IT is transmitted to a healthy person by blood, mucus, semen and vaginal secretions.
HIV is a microscopic virus, and sexually transmitted diseases which may be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person in the following ways;
HIV is transferred:
- By transfusing HIV-infected blood.
- By sharing a common syringe, needle, tattooing instrument and other materials which come in contact with blood.
- By indulging a unsafe sex (oral sex, anal sex and sex without using a condom).
- By a pregnant mother to her unborn fetus.
- By breastfeeding mother to her child through breast milk.
- By accidental piercing with an infected-blood-contaminated syringe to health workers.
- Through external touch and respiration
- By being and working together.
- By sharing a common room, latrine, bathroom and utensils.
- By hugging and kissing.
- By mosquito and other insect-bites.
- By playing, studying and living together.
- By having safe sex using condom properly.
The final stage, AIDS, is the stage before death. This stage is characterized by various opportunistic infections. The immune power of an AIDS victim severely declines. The following symptoms are seen in the AIDS stage.
- Enlarged, and painful lymph glands (lymphadenopathy)
- Oral, pharyngeal and esophageal sore.
- Persistent unhealed skin wounds throughout the body surface. This may be Kaposi's sarcoma.
- Remarkable weight loss.
- Unhealed malignancy of any part of the body.
- Continuous fever, cough, sores, diarrhoea, etc. which remain unhealed.
b) Syphilis
c) Gonorrhea
- In early stage of Gonorrhea, there may not be remarkable symptoms.
- The main characteristics feature of Gonorrhea is the discharge of yellowish fluid with foul odor from the genital organs.
- Swelling, appearance of red spots , and pain in the genital organs.
- Fever with abdominal pain.
- Frequent and burning urination.
- There is accumulation of pus in prostate gland of males.
- In females, there is lower abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and irregular menstruation cycle.
- Gonorrhea may damage the reproductive organs resulting in infertility.
- In infants, it is characterized with redness of eyes and its surroundings and over secretion of tear.
- There must be reliable blood monitoring before blood transfusion.
- Common syringes should not be used. Encourage disposable syringes if needed.
- Education about STIs and their mode of transmissions should be given.
- Avoid unsafe sex. If there are multiple sex partners, always use condom.
- Identify the diseased person and treat him/her immediately. Penicillin has effective control over syphilis.
- Do not use common razor, tattooing instruments, or any other piercing instrument that comes in contact with blood.
d) Chancroid
- Never indulge in unsafe sex. If the partner is doubtful , use a condom.
- Never use a common syringe and needle for any purpose.
- Awareness program for community people about STIs, HIV and AIDS should be conducted.
- HIV--monitoring must be done during blood donation and transfusion.
- HIV infected females should not be pregnant.
- Spread knowledge about condoms and methods of appropriate use to prevent STIs and HIV/AIDS.
- HIV infected persons should be treated normally without any sort of isolation and discrimination. Proper counseling may need adjustment of the patient in the family and society.
- Provide proper care and help to the victims.
- Health education should be made accessible to all. Inclusion of communicable diseases, precautions, safety measures and prevention methods should be included in health education.
- If one's spouse (husband/wife0 or sex partner is diagnosed with any form of STI, probability of infection becomes high. In this condition, immediate check-up and treatment should be done.
- STIs should not be concealed under any circumstances. It should be treated in early stage .
- Hesitation to discussion on sex and sex-related matters should be discouraged. STI, sexuality, safe and healthy sex-behaviors should be openly discussed among friends, teachers and family members.
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