Regional Balance in Development

Topics covered: regional balance in development, regional balance in development of nepal, need for regional balanced development in Nepal

Regional Balance in Development 

Regional Balance in Development

Nepal is a country with wide natural and geographical diversity. Developmental activities are difficult in the hilly and mountain regions due to the adverse geographical conditions. This may be the main cause of unbalanced development between different regions. In Nepal, where different regions are inhabited by distinct socio-cultural groups, it is necessary to reconcile the economic and social aims within the framework of national development. There is increasing disparity among the developmental regions and their sub regional components. This is due both to the region's intrinsic location-factor and a development approach that favors accessible ones. 

Balanced regional development has been one of the agendas of Government of Nepal since the Fourth Plan, covering the fiscal year 1970-1975. Government efforts at regional development have not been effective mainly due to an inadequate policy framework to implement the concept. There is no integrated and coherent policy framework for regional development based on a thorough assessment of the regional conditions, and policies and programs are still fragmentary and unfocused. A lack of clear demarcation of functional responsibilities of the local bodies and the central government for regional development has added more confusion since the government initiated the decentralization program. Attempts must be made to examine the potential of enhancing spatial development through the promotion of regional cooperation with neighboring countries. 

Nepal has got a new constitution after a long political exercise. The constitution has restructured Nepal into a federal republic country. It has divided the nation into seven federal provinces. Each province will have a separate state government under the central government. Decentralization of power and authority is believed to contribute to concentrated development of each of the state. It will further assure a balance in the regional development. 

Proper utilization of available natural, financial and human resources to an optimum level is required for the rapid development of a place. The new concept of federalism and decentralization of power will create a convenient atmosphere for proper utilization of resources. 

Developmental plans have to encompass the totality of national space. Since regions differ both in natural and human resources, the approach should address their inter relationship into a coherent spatial framework for growth and equity.

Economic activity is  determined by the type of land resources available in the region. Therefore, land use planning should constitute an essential part of national planning to optimize exploitation of regional resources. Another important aspect of spatial framework that determines the future pattern of development relates to road infrastructure. Roads  increase accessibility tourists, markets, merchants, transporters, planners and other different categories of people to carry out their activities at different places . Means of transportation should be developed in all the regions for the balanced development of the nation.

Balanced development can provide an appropriate platform for local and foreign investment in different sectors. It ultimately uplifts the quality of life of the people . Human development indices of the Nepalese people in different places of Nepal reflect the condition of imbalanced development and unequal access of people to resources.

Need for Balanced Regional Development in Nepal

Balanced regional development is necessary for many reasons as described below:

i. To develop the economy smoothly

Smooth development of the economy calls for the removal of regional disparity , because the low level of economic development in backward enclaves would only retard the development of more advanced areas.

ii. For faster economic growth 

Balanced regional development is needed for our economy because the advancement of the entire economy hinges on the development regions keeping in pace with their factor endowments. In the long run the progress of the national economy will be the result of the growth realised by the  different regions.

iii. To minimize the adverse effects of urban development in the rural areas

The regional disparities in the developing countries have been caused by adverse effects of urban development in the rural areas. It may create excessive drainage of human resources and economic resources from the peripheral areas to the urban areas. So, a country like Nepal should try to minimize such effects through deliberate state intervention for  balanced regional development.

iv. To develop and conserve resources

The aim of regional development should be to conserve available resources through sustainable development of agriculture and industries. 

v. To overcome social evils 

Balanced regional development in Nepal is needed for the removal of social evils like caste bias, communal bigotry, corruption, etc. Only balanced development can ensure enlightenment of the people. 

vi. To maintain political stability 

Increasing regional disparity is a source of political tension and instability in Nepal. And without political stability, economic advancement is not possible. 

vii. To promote employment opportunities 

Regional imbalances lead to low income, unemployment, and low output among a vast section of population. In order to remove these evils, all round development is necessary in Nepal. 

ix. To make the country strong and united 

A striking disparity in the levels of development of a country like Nepal is not a healthy trend for the safety and security of the nation. Unbalanced development increases the risk of groups of people becoming disenchanted and falling prey to the ploys of anti-national elements. 

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