Introduction to Health and Health Education

Introduction to Health and Health Education 

Introduction to Health and Health Education

Concept of Health 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity. " This definition clarifies that a healthy person must be physically fit, mentally fresh and socially well-adjusted. These characteristics make people capable of leading qualitative life in the society they live. 

However, this definition has gone through many sorts of criticisms for being too broad) Some people opine that health can't only be defined as a state, but it must be understood as a dynamic process. They further claim that the definition of WHO to be idealistic and hardly practiced in reality. Whatever is the case, we must not forget the fact that the concept of health propounded by WHO has lots of positive implications which encourage people to make efforts to achieve their positive health) 

Some people opine that the health is a continuous process of adjustment in the environment or it is the process of adaptation with the factors in the surroundings. 

i. Physical Health 

Physical health is the aspect of human health related to physical parts of body. In other words, it is the state of health determined by anatomical and physiological characteristics of our body. Human body is like a biological machine working with complex systems and processes. If there is imbalance in these structures and their working processes the physical health state declines down and we become ill. 

ii. Mental Health 

Before the concept of health given by WHO, health was considered as the condition of physical body. The mental aspects were not considered as as important part of human health. After the concept of WHO, mental health was started to be regarded as one of the important aspect of health. Mental health is the aspect of human health related to mind and mental states of people. In other words, it is the state of health determined by mental and psychological characteristics of the people. Human mind is like a complex set of thoughts and logics related to its environment. If there is imbalance in the processes of mind and thoughts, the state of health declines down and we become mentally ill. Loss of memory, lack of decision making power and lack of logical capacity are some of the conditions of mental illness. 

iii. Social Health: 

The concept of social health also came into existence along with the concept of mental health. Social health is the state of human health determined by the social characteristics of the people. Man is considered as a social animal because of special characteristics of to remain adjusted in society. Such characteristics include the capacity of people to adjust in the society abiding the social norms and values. Lack of the capacity to adjust in the society, lack of ability to conform the general rules and norms of the working environment and weak compliance of general expected roles and behaviors towards other people are some conditions of social illness. 

Concept of Health Education 

Many scholars have defined health education in their own ways as it means different senses to different people. Therefore, it is very hard to find a common definition acceptance to all. However, few statements given below can definitely help us to understand what health education is: 

  • Health education is a continuous and lifelong process. It should be followed continuously in our life. 
  • Health education does not only aim at maintaining sound health but also at bringing changes in health knowledge, attitude and behavior of individuals. 
  • Health education is concerned with promoting a happier and healthier life. 
Thus, health education can be defined as a continuous process that enables the learners to bring changes in knowledge, attitude, and behavior related to health. Health education becomes only an assumption if it is not applied in practical life. The changes brought up through the education must be applied in behavior to maintain sound health. A healthy person can live a happier life with higher quality. Sound health assures happiness and satisfaction regarding various aspects of human needs. So, it is itself a valuable wealth of human life. 

Only a healthy person can be capable of performing different income generating activities and fortify his/her economic condition. Therefore, health should be regarded as an important prerequisite for wealth. Sound health is a platform that creates the environment for a prosperous and happy life. The aim of health education is not only to make people accept it as a precious wealth but also to bring change in their behavior and attitude. Each family and community should have appropriate plan for health education to encourage their members to achieve sound health. Just because a person knows the importance of good health, the achievement of healthy life is not possible. Personal effort of ever individual is equally important for this. 
People are provided with different health facilities like health posts, health centers, hospitals, private health clinics in the community. People must know that it is not always possible to maintain health life through personal attempt only as there are different factors affecting it. In such cases, the health facilities available in the community can play a vital role in maintaining good health if they are utilized properly. 

Need and Importance of Health education 

Health education, as we discussed earlier, helps to bring changes in students regarding healthy behavior and lifestyle. Health education is very important in our life. The importance and necessity of health education are described below. 

i. Health education teaches the methods to remain healthy 
Although everybody in this world wants to remain healthy, it may not always be possible because nobody has got good health as a boon. To achieve a healthy life, continuous attempt is essential. Single mistake or a minor negligence cant take our life. Sometimes it can compel us to lead such a life which becomes burden for all. Therefore, we should always remain conscious towards it. Many people may not have basic knowledge about how to acquire good health. Health education helps those people know different ways of maintaining good healthy., 

ii. Health education brings reformation in an unhealthy lifestyle 
Many people lead unhealthy life style knowingly or unknowingly. Most of the unhealthy behaviors are guided by several superstitious beliefs and practices present in the society. In such context, people can never follow the right track and change their behavior. Health education provides proper guidance and care on the basis of scientific facts. It helps people learn the importance of health and encourages them to lead a healthy life by reforming their unhealthy life style.  

iii. Health Education teaches to get rid of diseases
In the developing countries like Nepal, the infectious diseases like diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, etc. have played considerable roles behind the death of thousands of people every year. Health education teaches people about different preventive, promotional, and curative measures against such diseases.

iv. Health Education helps in conservation of environment 
Health education encourages people to keep their surroundings clean and green. The germ-free surroundings and biotic greenery help in conservation of environment.

v. Health Education develops healthy manpower.
Health education brings changes in knowledge, attitude, and behavior of people towards healthy life. Therefore, an individual with proper health education can fortify the health of other members in the family and community. In such situation, people become healthy and able to work better as better human resource.

Topics covered: Introduction to Health and Health Education , what is health education, introduction to health education, need and importance of health education, concept of health education, importance of health education etc. 

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