Introduction to the Earth
The earth is the only known celestial body with existence of living things. Therefore, the earth is called a living planet. It revolves around the sun along a fixed path called orbit. There are certain qualities in the earth which make it the living planet. They are air, water, heat, etc. and the precious living things that consume these precious matters. The surface of the earth is made up of rock, soil, and water. Its structure is divided into two parts : outer sphere and inner sphere .The outer sphere includes atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. The inner part of the earth contains magma, which is made up of molten mass of various rocks, metals, and other substances.
The different spheres of the earth are interrelated and linked to each other. If one is affected, others are also disturbed. The outer sphere of the earth is called the crust of the earth. It is 40 km, thick from the land and 8 km . from the ocean. About two-thirds of the earth's crust is covered by water-masses, i.e., the oceans and one third is land ) Land has various continents. Continental party has different land forms like hills, mountains , plains , basins, etc. Being a living planet, earth is the common habitat of all the living creatures including human beings. Different kinds of living things can exist indifferent parts of the earth according to their adaptability and availability of adequate sunlight, oxygen, and water on the earth.
Concept of Caring for the Earth
The topography of the earth differs from one place to another. Because of this difference, there is variation in the natural environment of the earth. These differences have created diversity in animals, birds and plants. The earth has various components which make their own identities as lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, etc.
All these components are interrelated with each other. Changes and fluctuations in their natural status cause imbalance in the natural environment . The interactions between all of these components regulate and determine water cycle, nitrogen cycle, oxygen cycle, carbon dioxide cycle, and various other natural cycles. The change in these aspects disturbs the animals, birds and other living organisms.
Caring for the earth means to conserve all the physical and biological aspects of the earth in its natural condition. Its aim is to provide an opportunity to continue the life of all the living beings. This becomes possible only if all the living beings. This becomes possible only if all the elements of the earth are conserved properly.
Strategy of Caring for the Earth
In order to implement the strategy of the world conservation effectively, for the care of the earth, and for the initiation of sustainable way of development an action-plan was formulated in 1980 A.D . This document explains the policies of the world natural heritages and sustainable development. The world conservation strategy motivates and encourages all to take care of the earth and conduct the program at local and national levels.
The strategy of the care for the earth was published in 1980A. D by the joint effort of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) , United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) . These agencies have given importance to implement the principles of sustainable development.
Different nations, international agencies, NGOs have supported and agreed to implement this strategy . As a result this document was launched at the same time on 4th Kartik, 2048 B.S . in more than 55 major cities of the world including London, Tokyo, New York, and Kathmandu . More than 60 countries have developed their own conservation strategy . In these strategy , they have stressed on the biodiversity conservation, application of the principles of sustainable development , and natural resources conservation.
Caring programs for the earth have stated different policies and programs for the conservation of the earth. Among them some are as follows:
i. Every kind of development works should include environment conservation programs.
ii. Development work should not create environmental problem.
iii. People should not destroy natural resources in the name of fulfilling their needs.
iv. Economic justice in the society helps in conservation of environment by reducing exploitation of the natural resources. Therefore, income generating programs and trainings should be conducted at local and national level.
v. The renewable resources should be produced adequately to meet the need of growing population. It helps in conservation of non-renewable natural resources.
vi. Rich countries should reduce their consumption pattern of renewable resources.
vii. People should change their attitude towards nature and respect the nature.
viii. Rich countries should provide financial and technical support to the poor countries for pollution control and improvement of environment.
Need for Caring the Earth
As the earth is a common habitat of all living beings, human beings including plants fulfil their needs using the resources of the nature that are available on the earth. The availability of the resources makes the earth a sustainable habitat. Need for caring the earth can be studied with the following points
a) Environment conservation
Caring for the earth can be synonymously taken as caring for the environment. It is because the earth is just an aggregate of all sorts of environmental factors. In order to preserve the earth for future generations, we should use natural resources properly. People should develop positive attitude towards environment and the components of the earth.
b) Conservation of natural heritage
Natural heritages are indispensable parts of the environment. The important natural sites are the habitat of some special animals. Concept of caring for the earth accommodates the concept and techniques of conservation of natural resources. The natural heritages should be protected to preserve the biodiversity of the earth.
c) Conservation of biodiversity
Biodiversity means the existence and vividness of different types of living beings i.e., terrestrial, aquatic, aerial or the amphibians. All these living beings are interrelated to each other. The conservation of biodiversity is not possible unless there is implementation of the strategies of caring the earth.
Methods of Caring the Earth
Human being utilizes and exploits the environment and natural resources more than any other organisms on the earth. So, it is also the duty of human beings to protect and preserve the earth. People should know about the earth, its motion and structure.
a) Knowledge of the structure of the earth
The earth is a living planet. It has got different elements which make it a living planet. It has its own structure, motion and natural cycles. As a doctor diagnoses the diseases of a patient first for his proper treatment, we must find out the problems and disturbances in the natural process and situation of the earth to care for it. To understand and find out the adverse situation, we must have proper knowledge about the structure of the earth)
b) Respect for the nature
The thoughts and concepts of people determine their behaviors. People should develop their positive attitude towards nature. Any sorts of development works should not disturb the natural environment. Respect of the nature implies the genuine behaviors and attitude developed towards the nature in such a way that the natural environment can be conserved in a proper ways.
c) Participation in the conservation programs
Man is a conscious creature of the earth. So, it is also the duty of human being to preserve the earth. For any kind of conservation work if we are conscious and participate in the program from all sides, we can make the conservation program more effective and successful.
d) Proper use of the natural resources
Earth has limited capacity to fulfill the need of human being. The non-renewable resources are limited and they should be preserved for the future generation. Renewable resources are over exploited and they have lost their natural quality.
e) Nature friendly development
Development activities are for the better life of human being. Development activities should be conducted but it should not disturb the nature. All kinds of development activities should be nature friendly for the proper caring of the earth.
Main Programs for Caring for the Earth
The earth is the habitat of human beings. All the factors needed for life process are obtained from the earth in many forms. Human beings run different development works using different resources of the earth. It affects the natural condition of the earth. So, conservation program should go together with development works. These sorts of conservation programs should be conducted from local, national and international level with technical and financial support.
a) World-wide conservation policy
As the earth is the common habitat of all, it is the common duty of all of us to conserve this common environment. With this objective, world conservation strategy (WCS) was founded in 1980 AD and implemented for the conservation of the earth. This strategy has given main policies and programs like conservation of the earth, conservation of biodiversity, conservation of forest, land etc.
b) National conservation policy
Different kinds of conservation policies are needed for the conservation of environment in different ecological area. Many countries have formulate their national policy and implemented it from their central and local level. Nepal has also made special plans and policies for the conservation of environment which is done by all of the country over the world. National plans are policies are made and implemented by the concerned ministries like Environment Ministry, Forest and Land Ministry, etc. of the central government level. Environment conservation laws, forest acts, laws and acts for conservation of rare plants an animals, laws to regulate national parks, wild life reserves and similar other laws are formulated and implemented on the basis of national conservation policies made by the government.
c) Environmental planning
Environmental planning is the process of formulating, developing, and documentation of strategies for environmental conservation with tis maximum possible utilization. It includes the strategies and plans for the conservation of biodiversity, ecosystem and environment. All the countries have their own environmental planning strategies. They run different kinds of developmental works to meet the need of their people. The needs and relative development works may be related to economical, social and cultural aspects. These activities should be sustainable and environmental friendly.
d) Formulation of laws and implementation
There are many laws and acts formulated and implemented by the government for proper conservation and protection of the environment. Caring for the Earth is impossible unless there are such laws for conservation of the nature. The laws are related to protection of biodiversity, conservation of forests, regulation of national parks and wildlife reserves, pollution control and population management, restriction of pollutants production, etc.
e) Awareness raising program
People should be aware of the need of the conservation program. For this purpose, different kinds of awareness programs through the use of mass media, publications, street drama, formal and non-formal educational programs, etc. should be conducted at local, national and international level. These programs may vary from country to country according to their ecological and environmental condition.
Local efforts for Caring the Earth
The efforts of caring the earth may differ from place to place and from one geographical region to another. Some of the efforts that can be made at local level for the care of the earth are as follows:
- Forest should be conserved from the local level. Afforestation programs should be run at open and barren area. Only the dry and fallen trees should be used from the forest and preserve the young plants.
- The habit of setting fire to forests and pasture area should be stopped.
- Religious sites, public places, rivers, watershed areas , pastureland should be preserved.
- Surroundings should be neat and clean. Solid wastes should be disposed in proper places. There should be proper management of drainage in the locality.
- TO preserve the water resources of the surroundings, trees should be planted.
- Private forestry program should be encouraged to fulfill the need of local level and for daily uses.
- Pamphlets, magazines and awareness programs related to environment conservation should be published and disseminated among people.
- The policy of searching and finding out the alternatives of substitutive resources for non-renewable resources, should be implemented.
- The use of chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides should be minimized.
- The habit of using compost manure should be developed.
- Programs for population management and unplanned settlement should be run in appropriate ways.
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