Role of information system in HRP ? Purposes of HRIS system?

 Managers of the future are likely to be information managers. Information system (popularly known as human resource information system- HRIS) is crucial in the process of preparing HR inventory.

What is HRIS?

A human resource information system is the method by which an organization collects, maintains, analyzes, and reports information on people and jobs. The system refers simply to the process of integrating a variety of different  activities into a logical, meaningful whole to accomplish a given objective. Information system may be: (a) Manual, (b) Computerized, or (c) A mix of them. HRIS provides an excellent data base, for HR planners as well as for others. The HRIS facilities obtaining HR data on  a logical , valid and reliable manner in order to assist in managerial decision making. Modern organizations have now been making the use of computers in managing the HRIS. Thus, within no time, complete and organized information can be obtained in the desired format. There is no end (limit) to the data that might go into HRIS. One expert has recommended including 17 major categories containing148 pieces of data. Some of these are: 

Human resource information system

  1. Personal data: It contains name, payroll number, social security number, date of birth, minority group classification, sex, etc.
  2. Recruitment/ Selection data: It contains data of first contact, source of contact, date of interview, interviewer(s), and date offered employment, test scores, interviewer ratings, and number of applicants for same job, etc.
  3. Work experience data: It contains: jobs held before joining company, job held since joining company, specific skills, etc.
  4. Compensation data : It contains salary history, current salary, data due for next salary review, etc.
  5. Performance appraisal/ promotability data : It contains: Performance appraisal (PA) history, current PA rating, promotability rating , due for next review, career preferences, etc.
  6. Attitude / morale data : It contains absence record, grievances field, etc.
  7. Benefit plan data: It contains eligibility, participation levels, vacation records, etc.
  8. Health/ safety/ accident data: It contains : exposures to hazardous (risky) material, accident records, medical visits, workers' compensation claims, etc.

Designers of HRISs are often eager to include as much data as possible " just in case". All the data cannot be included in it because data capturing coding, and storage are expensive. The best general guideline is to distinguish between data that decision makers and outside agencies must have and data that they might find it nice to have, and then exclude the latter.

Human Resource Information System-HRIS

1. Inputs

  • Employees' demographic data (age, sex, experience, etc.)
  • Skill profile
  • Status/ position
  • Pay level
  • Performance trend
  • Discipline/ grievance/ complaints record
  • Others, if any
2.  Processing
  • Collection and compilation
  • Analysis and comparison
  • Storing/data banking
  • Retrieving
  • Distributing (according to need and availability)
3. Outputs
  • Better decision making (by offering logical valid and reliable information about people).
  • Offering helpful data to make contingency plan
Considerations Required: The composition of an HRIS should be based on sound prior planning. It should include a clear specification of objectives and through analysis of system requirements. The HRIS should also give careful attention to detail, for a wide variety of data. Particular attention should be devoted to:
  • Helping managers and general employees understand what an information system (HRIS) is,
  • Who uses it, and 
  • How it will help the organization.

Proposes/ Uses/ Benefits of HRIS System

A human resource information system is a systematic procedure. It is a procedure for collecting and validating data needed by an organization about its human resources. The HRIS is usually a part of the organization's larger management information system (i.e. MIS). A properly designed and updated skills-inventory system permits management to readily identify employees with particular skills. It is done in order to satisfy the changing needs of the company. In general, its purposes can be listed as : 
  1. Helpful in HR planning and analysis,
  2. Help to implement equal employment opportunity,
  3. Offers date regarding staffing function,
  4. Helpful tool to plan and implement HRD  programs,
  5. It can also be useful to implement compensation and benefit programs, 
  6. It can be an aid in designing health/safety and security programs, and 
  7. It offers useful information which can be used in labour/ employee relations.
HRIS is not just useful in human resource planning . Its uses extended to the whole gamut (areas) of HRM- as figure below indicates.

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