Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) 


Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)

HTML stands for Hypertexts Markup Language which is used to create electronic documents called web pages that are displayed on the browser of World Wide Web. In HTML, each page contains a series of connections to other pages called tags and attributes. HTML code also ensures the proper formatting of text and images so that the browser may display them as they are intended to look. The first HTML document was developed by Tim Berners Lee of Switzerland in 1990. 

Advantages of HTML 

  1. HTML is simple, easy to use and learn for the beginners. 
  2. HTML is not case sensitive so can be written in any case of letters.
  3. HTML is accepted by some text editors such as Wordpad, Notepad etc. 
  4. HTML can be executed using different web browsers including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla firefox, etc. 
  5. HTML allows to format web pages with text, graphics, sound, movies etc. 
  6. HTML allows creating and updating the web pages with different hyperlinks. 
  7. HTML allows easy reading long document by its controlled Navigation mark. 
  8. HTML also supports CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). 

HTML tags 

HTML tags are keywords or commands used to write HTML documents. They are surrounded by angle brackets like <html>. These tags tell the browser how to execute HTML document and display output through browser. 

Example: <HTML>, <BODY>, <IMIG>, etc. 

HTML tags are classified in two types. They are: 

Container or paired tags: 

The container or paired tags are such types of HTML tag which contains the start and end tag both. Start tags are written with in angular brackets and the end tags are written in angular bracket with forward slash (/). The starting tag activities the tag effect and closing tag turns off the tag effect. 

For example 
<TITLE> HTML is a markup language </TITLE> 

Empty or singular tags 

The Empty or singular tags are such types of HTML tags which do not have their corresponding ending tags. They are also called stand alone tags. 

For example: <IMG SRC="flower.jpg"> 

General rules for writing HTML tags and attributes 
  • HTML tags are surrounded by angle brackets like <HTML>. 
  • The ending tag must be closed by forward slash (/) before the tag name. 
  • The space with the tag name is not allowed. For example <H EA D> and < HEAD> both are incorrect. 
  • The values of attribute with html tags may be written in the double quotes. 
  • The attribute values may be case sensitive. For example, the filename is <IMG SRC="PHOTO,jpeg"> may not be the same as the file name in <IMG SRC ="photo,jpeg">
  • The html tags should not intersect to each other. If there is a tag inside other container tag, the inner tag first must be ended and then only outer tag should be ended. For example, 
<H1> <B>. <U> This is my First HTML document </U></B></H1>

Topics covered: HTML, what is HTML, short note on HTML, introduction to HTML, HTML full information, advantages of HTML, types of HTML tags, HTML information

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